Eventful Crochet Year and New Opportunities

This is always the time of year that I take stock of what the last year has brought. Honestly, it helps me realize that I am not just spinning my wheels, I really am doing things!


For example, this year I have taught 53 classes at my local yarn store (not including private lessons), I have taught 16 classes at 5 different national events. Four classes at DFW Fiber Fest in April (find me there this year teaching the CGOA Masters Day), four classes at the Jimmy Beans Wool annual retreat in June, two classes for the Northern Illinois Chapter of CGOA in May, five classes at the Crochet Guild of America annual Chainlink Conference, and a class for a unique on-line conference, Stitch Markers Live.

This is part of the contributing factors of my 10 trips in 26 weeks that really kept me on my toes. Some were business networking, some were educational, and some were teaching. But all were really enjoyable.


I also started day long crochet retreats. Celebrating my first event at a local winery; getting a tour, enjoying learning about wine and crocheting, a grat day was had by all. I have the second event is already on the calendar for the end of January this time at a chocolate shop. Find information to join me here.

Crochet with Linda at the Winery, August 2019


I didn’t just sit back when it came to designing. I only had 8 designs in freelance publications, but I created 15 designs, 4 for sale in my pattern line, the rest are either free patterns on my website or available for purchase in kits with various retailers.


I also started an afghan block pattern line to encourage people to learn a crochet stitch and help a national non-profit, Warm Up America. Warm Up America utilizes volunteers to put these blocks together and donate afghans to those in need. I have created 7 blocks this year, and continue to strive to create a new block design every few weeks.


Another large event for me, was actually pulling it together and creating a monthly newsletter. I highlight what has been happening in the month prior and what I am excited about in the month to come. This has really helped me to stay focused and reflective. If you haven’t already, sign up to receive it here.


Then in the midst of all this teaching and creating, I have continued to lead the Crochet Guild of America, as its President. That means monthly Board meetings, and keeping volunteers moving forward with various initiatives and undertakings. Working with 6 other Board members to help spread the word of crochet, preserve its heritage, and encourage more learning.

Home Life

I have juggled this with scheduled power outages to prevent forest fires. With the busy calendars of my two kids, be it sports, band or 4H there is never a dull moment. In addition I have juggled all the running of a household as my husband has had to work increasingly demanding work hours. I know that this is nothing new for women, but it is worth remembering that it takes time and has value.

The Decade

I was considering taking a look at where life has taken me in the last 10 years, but really a decade ago to now, is almost not recognizable. I made new friends, I lost people I care about. I was working in the field of Social Work for the older adults. My children were just starting school, my husband had human being work hours, and I was not in a position to even imagine that I would be self-employed in working in crochet. It is like a completely different world, and leaves me really wondering where the next ten years will take me.

Elegant Crochet Jewelry Made Easy- Formal Jewelry by Karen McKenna

ScannedImageI always keep an eye out for something new to learn, something to new to inspire me, something new to my bookshelf. I definitely think that the latest book by Karen McKenna, Formal Jewelry from Leisure Arts, fits that bill. (Find it on Amazon here)

FJ CoverKaren has a design style that is professional, clean, trendy, yet polished, and it is definitely apparent in the design she shares in this book . This downloadable book offers projects that are simple to construct, and need only basic crochet skills, but have an elegant appearance. The biggest learning concept for me was the use of jewelry tools, clasps and the approach to using beads. There are links to “how to videos” throughout this book. I think that almost every step has a tutorial so that even the most inexperienced stitcher or crafter can produce the stunning pieces. However as I live in an area with limited internet availability I did not personally use the videos, but even without the videos the instructions are quite clear and easy to follow.

Double Pearl NecklaceMany of the beads are pearls (I am a sucker for pearls), but I can easily see how these formal designs can be made into everyday wear by changing to a less formal bead. The barefoot sandals are quite nice. I could see these as fun additions to a day on the beach as well as enjoyed by several dancer friends, as well as the intended purpose of formal wear.Silver Barefoot Sandal-001

I think my biggest take away from this book is how to get a very professional finish to crochet jewelry. The section on finishing actually focuses directly on working with crochet chains and how to use them with jewelry components effectively.

If you are having a big event upcoming in your life, or the life of a loved one, or simply like elegant jewelry I suggest that you download a copy of this book and give the skills a whirl, I am sure you will enjoy your finished product!

Attending the Big Events

ScannedImageIf you have never attended a large fiber conference I recommend that you at least attend one once in your life time. The opportunities are more then you can imagine. Usually you find great venders in yarn, as well as books and unique supplies; there are even classes to take with a wide range of specialties. I mention this because I will be at Stitches West this week and look forward to seeing all the interesting booths. The Convention Center in Santa Clara, California is always filled with booths of various types supporting all kinds of fiber arts. One year my sister attended with me, and found a new hobby of needle felting. If you happen to be in the area, stop by Saturday and say “Hi”, I’ll be at the Lisa Souza Knitwear and Dyeworks Booth (720/22/24) with the release of my new patterns!

