One April Anniversary, A Thank You

ScannedImageChanging points in my life can happen at any time, however I can name quite a few that mark my life in large ways that occur in the last week of March and the first week in April. So in a sense it is a time of anniversaries of sorts for me.

Actually it was there years ago tomorrow that I left my job of 12 years to begin working in crochet full time. Okay, it is really more like part time with juggling the household, but it was still a large life change.

I cannot say that I bravely walked into this decision and had astounding amounts of work that would warrant my change of employment. As a matter of fact, if things had not occurred the way they had, I would probably still be working my job and designing crochet on the side still today. However, like many things in life, I was faced with a choice.


I have often felt tied to my desk in my old job…funny that was with yarn too.

I had worked part time for my employer for 8 years (the prior 4 years were full time, but after my son was born I transitioned to a part time position to attempt to balance my home/work life). I knew that this status of part time would mean that I was likely to give up any chance of promoting, and my wages would probably not change in a great amount of time, but it was my choice. So on a fateful afternoon 3 years ago, I received a call from my boss. She wanted to inform me that the director was rescinding my part time status and that I was being given a four week notice that my status would be changed to full time.

I was again faced with a choice, and this one offered me very little opportunity to have a balanced life. The decision was finalized a short time later when I picked my daughter up from kindergarten. I told her that there might be some changes, as I might have to go to work more. I remember her sitting on my lap, she looked up and me shaking her head. She said, “Mom, I’m sorry. You’re going to have to quit your job. I like it when you pick me up from school.” I don’t know if 3 years later that same response would be given, but I knew I had to set the priorities that truly mattered, my family.

After crunching the numbers and having the support of my husband, I gave my notice. My last day of work was April 5th, a day after my first published design & article came out on newsstands in Crochet! Magazine. So, I made the plunge. I work longer hours and am more critical of my work than I was prior, but I have a new challenge and hold more of my life in my hands. I may not put in the hours of 9 to 5 anymore, as my work is juggled between commitments and contracts. I may work late hours and spend less hours actually talking to people (and I typically am a pretty social person, so this is a significant adjustment), but I have a balance. The family budget is tighter, and we do not have many shinning things, but it all feels right. I sometimes do miss my old job, at least my co-workers and the satisfaction of knowing that I made a difference in the life of someone in my community. My current satisfaction is measured differently now.

So, on this anniversary, I would like to say, Thank you. Thank you to those that have made me face choices, and those that have supported me through those decisions. Mostly, thank you to those that support me today. Thank you for reading my ramblings, for supporting my designs. Thank you for buying my patterns, and supporting the publications that feature my work. Thank you to those that believe in me even when I have times that I do not believe in myself. I hope that through my journey you are encouraged in your own, on whatever path it might be.

Catching Up September

ScannedImageSomehow September always seems to run me around in circles. It seems to be a month that leaves me a little anxious, almost feeling like I am hyperventilating.
It maybe all the family birthdays; my husband, his brother, his sister, my dad, my sister…all within a week, and then the anniversaries; my parents, my in-laws, my aunts, and then my sister is planning her wedding for September of 2015. None of that even includes holidays for long time friends…only family.
Maybe it is the change of season. Being in Northern California I am very happy that this last week has a feeling of fall; it helped to increase the containment of a large wildfire in my community (at least it was not a threat to my home, but I had many friends evacuated for several days, some for nearly two weeks), and seeing some rain makes us all hopeful that our drought may ease. However fall also brings the harvest of our small farm. I am not even sure how many pounds of pears I gave away this year, probably close to 50, I know that I used the dehydrator and dried nearly 140 pears, which my family has nearly consumed all of. I harvest many seedless grapes, and actually made raisins this year…about 10 pounds after they were dried. I still have to make some jelly from the seeded grapes, but that is in the next couple of weeks. MP900384696
It could also be the births and deaths, and tragedies in my local community, I know they are there all the time, but for some reason they seem amplified in September. None of them affected me closely, but it affected people in my life. Or it could me the annual remembrance of “where were you when” , those moments that make you realize that a year has already passed and you are not sure where it went.
So my days were spent settling into the routine of the school year for the kids, accomplishing the things needed for the household, and then not to be over looked….CROCHET! I have spent each and every day with my fingers dancing over stitches and my mind flying over new and possible combinations and ways to use a technique. I plan on getting some of them written down and posted soon, but in all my time writing has taken a sideline. Since October is almost here, I can already feel a change, a calming. This should allow me to regroup and share more of the thoughts that I find in my world of hooking, here is to hoping that October brings cool weather, rain, and calmer seas.