Repurposed Bath Towel Blanket

When I was in high school, with my first car, okay a small truck, I had an “always prepared” bag behind the seat. The bag contained a coat, snow gloves, a blanket, a bathing suit, sun block, and a towel. Not exactly the same “always prepared” that I would think of today, but at the time you never knew what plans might arise for after school (especially if I had a day off work). It might be a trip to the mountains to play in the snow, or it could be a day at the river…really depends on the season and the weather, but I was prepared.

Well, several years have gone by since then, but I still attempt to keep “prepared” kit in my vehicle…no longer my cute little truck that I would take 4 wheeling, but my much more practical Subaru Outback…I still refuse to admit it might be a station wagon. My kit now has some granola bars, napkins and wet wipes, a flashlight, and I still have a blanket. I find that this blanket has many good uses, and can even still fit in some spontaneity, like a quick picnic in the park, or what is more likely a fast food dinner during archery practice. The blanket also helps when the kids are tired, or someone is cold. It covers the seats when the dog goes to the vet, or is rolled into a ball to give the driver some more support for resting their arm on the console.

Repurposed bath towel blanket.

Repurposed Bath Towel blanket

This blanket has been replaced over the years, and one way I like to feel that I have a blanket that is really a second life is to make one. When bath towels wear out, become a bit thread barren, or simply have too many holes, I cut them into squares. As long as the squares are the same size, that is all that matters. I then crochet an edge around the squares. I then join all the squares together, I could sew or seem them, but I prefer to crochet them together. I find that the terry cloth a nice fabric for a blanket of the necessity, but just be mindful of ensuring that you slightly roll the edge of the fabric when crocheting the edge around it, this helps to reduce the initial fraying.

Give it a try next time you have a towel that has seen better days, and create your own blanket to be prepared with.

Crochet Emergency- Shoelaces

It never seems to fail, my kids shoelaces fail at the most inopportune times; when we are just headed out the door to school, when we are off to a new event or sport obligation. As a result I have had to find some quick fixes and amazingly my kids have come to actually request them now as a fashion statement…I crochet shoelaces.

Granted when really looking at the shoes, they have seen better days, but the kids love them and have some that they will wear until they fall apart. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, I have a few myself. However dressing them up with a bit of yarn was never my initial intent, it was simply necessity. Yet as my kids get older they have found these bits of yarn helping them to find their own identity.

Crochet shoelaces

Crochet shoelaces

So why crochet a chain, why not just use a strand of yarn? Well the short story is that the chain actually holds better when tying a bow, and is stronger. When using just a stand of yarn, it is held together by the ply. The ply is part of the yarn construction, most yarns are made up of strands that are spun in one direction, then these strands are spun together in the opposite direction, this is the ply. Granted the tension of the ply does create a strong yarn, just not one that is quite strong enough to live up to a shoelace on my kids shoes.

Creating the yarn into a chain, creates three strands instead of just one. It also makes a little more heft in the diameter, so it is easier to tie and untie.

What I find the most interesting is how my kids have fun picking out new colors for the laces. My son even enjoys adding a bright pink to his laces, at least it helps them have some individual style.