My Every Day Valentine

ScannedImageI have been doing more self-reflection then usual lately. Reflecting on my business and personal life, possibly due to the recent interview I gave Crochet World Magazine about how my current career began, and how I approach my designs (you can read it here). Or it could be the 5 day art challenge that was posed to me on Facebook, where I shared 15 different designs over 5 days (you can see them on my Facebook page here). Either way I found myself pondering where I have been and where I would like to go. But mostly, or simply due to the upcoming holiday, it made me put a Valentine spin of things.

This might seem odd, that pondering the past can make for a Valentine, but let me explain. Over several years I have finally began to dissolve the rituals or expectations of many holidays down to what I feel is really important. So for Valentine’s Day this means that for me it does not need to be flowers, chocolates, dinner, or the typical “romantic” gifts. My husband never really believes this, but it is

For me I take the day to remember those that I love, and what I can do to show them this every day as well as actually focus on what they give me every day to show me they care. It is a day of focusing, not overlooking that small things that I routinely take for granted. The hugs and kisses the kids share before saying goodbye before going to school. The nights my son offers to cook dinner, and his sister wants to help, sure it is usually pancakes, eggs and bacon, (occasionally chocolate chip cookie dough)but it is delicious. The moments that they are excited to show me something they have learned. My husband taking the kids to their after school activities (yes, he loves going, but it gives me time to get some work done), when he completely turns is schedule upside down to accommodate my travel plans. How my husband supports my career venture, even though it means the household budget is considerably tighter, and makes coffee on the weekend before I am even out of bed. How each member of my family gives me honest and critical feedback of my work, I know it is their way of supporting me, and showing their love.IMG_5990 - Copy

I guess that instead of looking for the big grand gesture I am using the day to remember that the little things are much more important. I might easily take for granted the little things that happen on a typical Wednesday, but by actually spending some time to focus on them, I realize that I do truly have Valentine’s Day every day.

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